More 78s From The Crates (#63)

Hecks-a-popping this week on Triple R Radio as Roy digs deep into another crate of 78s. You’ll hear a 1956 Fats Domino B-side of one of his biggest hits as well as Gene Autry’s 1940 recording of that huge Fats hit. You can check out the roots of harmony vocal doo-wop singing via a 1934 Mills Brothers Decca disc. You’ll marvel at the first notable recording from an 18-year-old guitarist, Hank Garland, who’s fretwork would grace countless important country and rock recordings in the 1950s. You’ll be deeply moved by a stunning spiritual performance from Marian Anderson, the first African American to sing at the Metropolitan Opera. And there’s more…

The spin begins this Sunday, August 13th, 2 PM, Mountain, on donor supported CKUA Radio. Dial in for an eclectic batch of 78s from the crates on Roooy’s Record Room, the show that feeds the future by honouring the past.

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