Santa, Santa, Santa

It’s all songs about Santa, Santa, Santa this week on Roy’s Record Room. Mr. Claus gets up to all kinds of shenanigans on the show. Big John Greer wants to see Santa do the Mambo. The Korn Kobblers are endorsing the Santa Claus Polka. The Hepsters are rockin’ and rollin’ with the big guy. According to Marty Martin (aka Boxcar Willie), Santa’s given up rock ‘n ‘roll to become a hootenanny Santy. All Pearl Bailey wants from Kris Kringle is a five pound box of money. Louis Prima wonders what Santa will say when he finds everybody swinging. Lord Nelson suggests that we throw a big party for the jolly old gent.

On the other hand, Loretta Lynn isn’t all that impressed with ol’ St. Nick. She’s really giving him a piece of her mind. He’s not been cooperative at all. Loretta says, To Heck With Old Santa Claus.

The spin begins this Sunday, December 18th, 2 PM, Mountain, on CKUA. Dial in for a mess of tunes about Santa, Santa, Santa on  Roooy’s Record Room, the show that repeats the sounding joy.

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