Christmas 78s From The Crates

This coming Sunday, RRR will be broadcasting from the North Pole as Roy (aka the Shellac Shack Santa) digs through his sack of goodies for a few gift-wrapped Christmas 78s from the crates. No shaking the parcels though. No peeking at the playlist. Rest assured, you’ll be hearing some fine Hillbilly, Jazz, Mambo, Novelty, Jump Blues, Doo-Wop, Country, and Pop 78s of the Festive kind.

OK, well, we can sneak a peek at ONE little present. It’s a hep 1954 Country updating of the old “Twas The Night Before Christmas” poem from the Davis Sisters. This red-hot platter qualifies as some serious Hillbilly Bop with Chet Atkins joining Skeeter and BJ on echo-drenched guitar for “The Christmas Boogie”. Guaranteed to get your Christmas stocking rockin’.

The Yuletide spin begins this coming Sunday, December 17th, 2 PM, Mountain, on donor supported CKUA Radio. Dial in and groove to the sounds of some Christmas 78s from the crates on Rooooy’s Record Room, the show that repeats the sounding joy.

Come Sunday, December 24th, we’ll celebrate Christmas Eve Day on RRR. Be sure to tune in for more vinyl and shellac from Roy’s extensive collection of Festive platters.

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